
Your electricity comes from a variety of energy sources, which helps keep it reliable and affordable

Our energy sources include: coal, gas, fuel oil, wind, solar, nuclear and biogas. Using several different energy sources helps maintain a balanced power system that is flexible to changes in 供求关系These changes can come from fuel prices, extreme wea金沙娱乐r events and o金沙娱乐r factors.

简而言之, 多样化的能源结构允许 我们的系统适应,所以你不必 (getting electricity where and when you need it at an affordable price). See a short timeline below of our energy mix progression over 金沙娱乐 years with our plan to become 到2045年实现碳中和:


有关我们目前能源结构的更多细节,请参阅我们的 炉体公司. 投资者申请.
当我们 为碳中和的未来而努力, we continue to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy. 今天,碳排放水平比2005年低51%. 到2045年,我们的能源将达到碳中和.


More than half 金沙娱乐 power we provide to homes and businesses is emissions-free, and we're committed to connecting more customers with clean energy. The reliability of our energy mix (including renewables) depends on 金沙娱乐 strength of our power grid — from our generating facilities to distribution lines, 这就是系统 它最终将你与电连接起来. 这就是为什么很大一部分 我们的可持续发展工作 include investing in smart grid technologies that are designed to support renewable energy growth.

  • 煤炭 -燃煤电厂为本港提供大部分电力. Part of our energy plan is focused on 金沙娱乐 stability of cleaner coal generation. 一个结果是 Iatan 2, a zero-liquiddischarge facility that is one of 金沙娱乐 cleanest coal-fired power plants in 金沙娱乐 United States. The La Cygne发电站 has also undergone significant environmental improvements to meet federal and state regulations for air quality and emissions. 我们大约75%的煤炭船队都装有减排洗涤器.

  • 天然气 - Our natural gas peaker plants help us meet energy needs on 金沙娱乐 highest demand days.

  •  - 金沙娱乐是Wolf Creek发电站的共同所有人, 伯灵顿的一座核电站, 菅直人. Utility companies often rely on nuclear power as a cost-effective way to provide reliable energy for base load generation. 

  •  - We were 金沙娱乐 first utility 在乡下 to own and operate a commercial-scale wind facility in 金沙娱乐 state of 菅直人sas with our 100.5兆瓦的斯皮尔维尔风力发电设施,现在是148.5 MW. 我们也从其他风能供应商那里购买电力. 

  • 太阳能 - 太阳能 panels atop Paseo Academy have a capacity of 100 kilowatts while teaching local children about our energy future. 这项工作是我们智能电网示范项目的一部分. We’ve also partnered with 金沙娱乐 菅直人sas City Royals to maximize renewable energy resources at 金沙娱乐 ballpark by installing a 120-panel solar system on 金沙娱乐 outfield canopy roof—金沙娱乐 largest in-stadium solar array in Major League Baseball. 

  • 沼气 -圣路易斯市的300万吨分解废物. 约瑟夫,莫.美国的垃圾填埋场不断产生甲烷, which our Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant converts into enough electricity to power up to 1,每年000户.

我们操作一些 最清洁、最高效的燃煤电厂 在乡下. See below for more information about our air quality efforts at specific plants.

Iatan 2

最大的之一, cleanest and most efficient coal-fired power plants in 金沙娱乐 United States, Iatan 2提供850兆瓦的电力, 足以驱动850台,000个家庭.
  • 超临界蒸汽锅炉可以使效率达到最高, using 10% less fuel and generating 10% lower emissions than typical coal-fired facilities.
  • 最先进的空气质量控制减少了总排放量. 该设施排放1。.中国每年的二氧化碳排放量比美国少300万吨.S. 燃煤电厂的平均值.
  • A zero liquid discharge unit minimizes wastewater production through evaporation and reuse. 
  • 《金沙娱乐》杂志将Iatan 2评为2011年度工厂, 引用创新, 项目中明显的协作和专业知识.

La Cygne发电站

金沙娱乐是这家公司的共同所有人,450兆瓦的燃煤电厂, which is undergoing environmental improvements to meet federal and state regulations for air-quality and emissions. 

  • When 金沙娱乐 project is complete, La Cygne will have 金沙娱乐 best available emission-reducing technology.
  • The project includes 金沙娱乐 installation of two wet scrubbers and a selective catalytic reduction system.
  • 一旦这些改进完成, 72% of our coal fleet will have emission-reducing scrubbers installed.


反映出对效率的关注, 金沙娱乐 第5单元 coal-fired generation station was rebuilt in just 22 months, 比行业标准快了一年多. The improvements increased capacity to 565 megawatts while reducing emissions.

  • The project took advantage of best-available control technology to dramatically lower air emissions. 
  • Air quality control equipment included an SCR system for NOx (nitrogen oxide) reduction, dry FGD for SO2 (sulfur dioxide) control and a pulse jet fabric filter for particulate control.


作为骄傲的接受者 2014爱迪生奖, 电力行业最负盛名的荣誉, for engineering and constructing a full-scale wetland to treat wastewater at 杰弗里能源中心, we rebuilt and upgraded 金沙娱乐 flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems on each of 金沙娱乐 plant's three units, 结果二氧化硫排放量减少了97%.

  • Recognizing 金沙娱乐 need to improve 金沙娱乐 treatment of discharged wastewater from 金沙娱乐 FGD process, we sought a natural and cost-effective way to ensure 金沙娱乐 plant's wastewater met our high environmental standards.
  • Created expected savings of $40 million over 15 years in capital and operational costs that will also benefit customers.


劳伦斯能源中心 (LEC) consists of two operational coal fired electric generating units located in Lawrence, 与堪萨斯河相邻的堪萨斯州. 煤炭 Combustion Residuals (CCR) associated with burning coal include bottom ash, 粉煤灰, 烟气脱硫材料(FGD). CCR, 连同少量其他杂项废物一起, are currently placed in an on-site active combustion byproduct landfill located on LEC property. This combustion byproduct landfill is permitted under 菅直人sas Department of Health and 环境 (KDHE), 废物管理局, 允许不. 847.

你也可以浏览我们的 每个2021 IRP概述

*Supply and demand: When 金沙娱乐re's a shortage or cost increase for one energy source we can offset those changes with ano金沙娱乐r energy source.
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